Red Aldridge of Buena Park CA Ex USMC 1992 Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Talk at Hoag Hospitol


Red Aldridge of Buena Park California
at Hoag Hospital September 1,1991
? Great Talk.
? Red was a fighter pilot in World War Two and Korea, A Test Pilot and a Air Force Officer.
? He got a late start but booze caught up with him long before he discovered how to shake it.
? A really great talk about the progression of alcoholism in an otherwise healthy body and personality.
? The miracle of his recovery.
A bit about the 12 Steps and how he works the program.
? Some interesting insights into the real meaning of Spirituality and emotional immaturity
? The power of the group. He says “If I had flown alone I’d a been shot to hell the first time out”.
? He knew that he needed Alcoholics Anonymous to survive too.
? I loved this talk. How it was, what happened and what it’s like now.
A really great speaker Talk