Mickey Bush of Los Angeles CA Exciting 1998 Alcoholics Anonymous Talk [CD-ROM] History of Recovery


All Cds are as Pictured. The Label is Printed Directly onto a matte white Cd. The Cds are Individually Packaged in Window envelopes.

994 in stock


Mickey B of Los Angeles, CA 7th Capitol Jamboree Olympia, WA ~ 1998

   •  Mickey B is originally from London England.
   •  Besides being a recovering Alcoholic he is also a rock vocalist.
   • He speaks very loudly and has a very lively style(If you prefer soft-spoken speakers don’t buy this Cd).
   • He tells a very vivid story of his drinking and recovery.
   • He talks quite a bit about recovery and life as a sober recovering Alcoholic.
   • He also talks about Alcoholism from his own perspective.
   •  In the talk he uses numerous alliterations.
   • G Group O Of D Drunks G Good O Orderly D Direction
   •  He has over a dozen of them and many of them I’ve never heard before.
   • S Sober P Person O Offering N Newcomers S Suggestions O On R Recovery
   • If you want the others including a really good one for RELATIONSHIPS buy the Cd.
Mickey B Good Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Message Very Enjoyable ~ Really Holds Ones Interest

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 1 in